Living With
Season Two was born from the belief that when you’ve worked hard all your life, you simply deserve
that amazing retirement. A true reward for all the sacrifices and hardships you’ve endured. A life that
is built around you and things that you like to do.
If you are someone who is not ready to give up the profession that you dedicated your life to, we’ll
provide you all possible support so that you can share your expertise with the world, teach, exchange
ideas, give back to the community and live a life with purpose.
What they say is right – age is a feeling in the head. Which is why many people, even as they get ready to retire from work, feel as though they got out of college just a few years ago. Your mental age,
very often, is much younger than your physical age – which is why it is important to continue to do the things that you love doing and live an active, relevant, happy, and fulfilling life after you retire
from work. This will definitely have a very positive impact on your overall health and longevity.
We, at Season Two are in the process of creating environments to help you do just that – never retire
from life. You can go back to long forgotten loves like music, dance, photography, painting or travel-
ling. You can give back to society. Or just revel in doing nothing.